We like the versatility of the vibration plate, also knows as power plate, since it allows trainers to be as passive or as active as they like. For this reason, they fit a wide variety of users. Just below, we listed the vibration plate exercises you can do with a power plate and the muscle groups they work on.
For being compact, in comparison to other exercising machines, and versatile, we recommend having a power plate at the home or office. We’ve simplified the buying process with a top list and buyer’s guide for vibration plates.
If you’re looking for an aerobic exercise machine, check out our cross trainers top list and buyer’s guide.
Vibration plate workout outcomes
Vibration plates send small vibrations through the body to stimulate the muscles. Under normal circumstances, your muscles contract and relax once or twice every second. A vibration plate causes your muscles to contract at a rapid rate. These rapid contractions can have a number of effects on the body, such as:
Weight Loss
Increased muscle fibre activation can make exercises more intense and help with your weight loss efforts.
Vibration plates can help you lose weight, but you will need to eat properly and use it in conjunction with a regular exercise regimen.
One study looked at the effectiveness of vibration plates for weight loss, and the results were positive. Participants were divided into four groups:
- Diet only
- Diet and conventional fitness program
- Diet and supervised vibration plate training (instead of conventional exercise)
- Control group
At the end of the study, the vibration plate group lost 47.8 sq.cm. of visceral fat. The group lost 11% of their body weight and managed to maintain 10.5% of their weight loss after the intervention period.
Muscle Tone and Power
The rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles can also help build muscle strength and definition.
In fact, one study found that vibration plate exercises can be nearly as effective as strength training. Participants were divided into four groups:
- Whole body vibration
- Placebo
- Resistance training
- Control
The whole body vibration group gained a 9% increase in quadricep muscle strength and increased isometric knee extensor strength by 16.6%.
The benefits of weight loss and increased muscle strength make the vibration plate a worthwhile investment.
But which exercises should you perform? We’re going to share some of the most effective exercises for all of your major muscle groups.
Vibration Plate Exercises
If you’re just getting started with your vibration plate and fitness routine, these exercises are beginner-friendly.
3 Legs Exercises
1. Squats
Simple squats will work your quads, glutes and hamstrings, but you will also need to use your core muscles to stabilize your body.
To perform a squat:
- Stand on the vibration plate shoulder-width apart.
- Bend your knees to lower down into a squat.
- Stop when your thighs are parallel with the ground.
- Stand back up to the starting position.
If you have balance issues and your vibration plate has handles, hold onto them. If your plate doesn’t have handles attached, you may want to do squats near a wall to hold yourself steady.
Repeat this exercise for 10 repetitions. Aim for three sets of ten.
2. Lunge Holds with Overhead Reach
Lunges target the quadriceps and glutes while improving flexibility and balance. The overhead reach will also work your upper body.
It’s important to be cautious when doing lunges on a vibration plate just because the vibrations can throw off your balance a little. If your vibration plate has handles, you can use them to keep yourself steady, or you can place your vibration plate close to a wall, chair or countertop to keep your balance.
Here’s how to perform lunge holds with an overhead reach:
- Stand with both feet on the vibration plate, shoulder-width apart.
- Step forward with your right leg to come into a high lunge position. Your right foot should be on the floor off of the vibration plate.
- Raise both arms straight up above your head. Imagine you’re holding a beach ball above your head.
- Hold this position for 10 seconds.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repeat on the other leg.
Start with three sets of 10 repetitions. Eventually, you can work your way up to performing as many reps as possible for a set amount of time (like 30 seconds or one minute).
3. Wide Stance Squats
To target your inner thighs and calves, give wide stance squats a try. The vibration plate intensifies the exercise to make it even more challenging.
- Stand on the vibration plate with your legs wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes facing the corners of the machine.
- With a straight back and tight core, bend your knees to come into a squat at a 90-degree angle. Make sure that your knees don’t extend beyond your toes.
- Return to the starting position.
Aim for three sets of 10 repetitions. Alternatively, you can hold each squat for 5-10 seconds.
3 Core Exercises
1. Crunches
Classic crunches are a great way to work the abdominal muscles, and they’re even more difficult when performed on a vibration plate.
- Begin by laying down with your back on the vibration plate. You may want to lay down on top of the plate to prevent back discomfort. The plate should already be on your desired setting. Your entire back should be supported by the vibration plate.
- Bend your knees and lift them up to be perpendicular to the floor (knees facing toward the ceiling and feet hanging down towards the floor). Cross your ankles for better support.
- With your hands behind your head supporting your neck, crunch your chest forward toward your knees.
- Lower back down to the starting position.
- Repeat.
Perform as many crunches as you can for 20-30 seconds.
2. Standing Abdominal
It’s possible to work your core without getting down on the floor. This standing abdominal exercise will also work your quads and glutes for a bonus lower body workout.
For best results, use a vibration plate with handles.
- Start by standing with your legs hip-width apart.
- Tightly grip the handlebars in front of you.
- Lower down into a partial squat. Your knees should only be slightly bent.
- Tighten your core muscles and hold this position for as long as you can.
For an even greater challenge, try performing this exercise in between sets of other exercises (like squats or lunges).
3. Scissor Kicks
A challenging exercise that targets all of your core muscles as well as your thighs. To perform scissor kicks on a vibration machine, you may want to use a mat to prevent back discomfort.
- Start by laying down with your back on the vibration plate. Make sure that your entire back is supported by the plate.
- Lift your legs straight up towards the ceiling. Legs should be straight with your toes pointing towards the ceiling.
- Place your arms out straight on both sides of you, or behind your head to support your neck.
- Begin crisscrossing your legs in a swift motion, alternating which leg is forward and backward. Keep your legs straight or knees slightly bent.
- Continue crisscrossing your legs for 20-30 seconds, performing as many repetitions as possible.
2 Shoulders Exercises
1. Front Raise with Resistance Band
Front raises primarily target the front of the shoulders, but they also work the sides of your shoulders and other parts of the upper body.
To perform this exercise on a vibration plate, you will need resistance bands. Many vibration plates come with bands that you can use for these types of exercises.
This type of exercise works best if you can attach the bands to the front of the plate.
- With the bands attached to the front of your plate, grab the handles and get ready to perform this exercise.
- Stand up straight with both feet flat on the vibration plate, hips-width apart.
- With your arms down at your sides, begin raising both of your arms up until they are parallel with the floor.
- Your arms should create a straight line from shoulder to fingertips.
- Lower your arms back down to your sides.
- Repeat for 10 repetitions.
- Perform three sets of 10 repetitions.
Choose a resistance band level that challenges your shoulders but isn’t so difficult that you can’t complete your set.
2. Shoulder Press
A simple exercise that challenges shoulder muscles without any additional equipment.
- Stand in front of your vibration plate with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Bend forward to place your hands on the vibration plate at shoulder-width apart.
- Bend your knees slightly and keep your spine in a neutral position.
- Bend at the elbow to lower your head towards the vibration plate. Do not let your head touch the plate. Only bend your elbows enough to feel your shoulder muscles working.
- Straighten your arms to return to the starting position.
- Repeat for 10 repetitions. Aim for three sets of 10 repetitions.
2 Arms Exercises
1. Bicep Curls
Curls are an effective way to tone and strengthen the bicep muscles. For this exercise, you will need a strap or a resistance band. Resistance bands work best if your goal is to boost your strength.
- If you’re using a vibration plate with handles and a strap, stand in front of the plate and grab the straps. If you’re using a handle-free vibration plate and resistance bands, you will want to stand on top of the plate and grab your bands.
- Start with both arms down at your sides, holding the strap or band, with your palms facing outward.
- Gripping onto the handles, bend your elbows and use your bicep muscles to pull your forearm up toward your shoulder.
- Return to the starting position.
- Perform 10 repetitions to complete a set. Perform three sets.
2. Dips (Advanced)
Dips are an excellent way to work your triceps, but they also work your chest, shoulders and back muscles. You don’t need any additional equipment to perform this exercise, and you can do it with any type of vibration plate.
- Start by sitting down on the floor in front of the vibration plate with your back against the edge of the plate.
- Stretch your legs flat out in front of you.
- Place your hands on top of the vibration plate, fingers facing forward and gripping the edge of the plate. Elbows should be bent behind you.
- Straighten your arms to lift your upper body.
- Lower back down to the starting position.
- Repeat for three sets of 10 repetitions.
If it’s too difficult to perform this exercise with your legs straight out in front of you, you can keep your knees bent as you move up and down.
Chest Exercise
A classic but effective exercise to work the chest muscles as well as the shoulders, biceps and your core.
To perform a push-up on a vibration plate:
- Get down onto the floor.
- Place your hands on the vibration plate with your fingers facing inwards at shoulder-width apart.
- Keep your spine in a neutral position.
- For a classic push-up, straighten your legs behind you. For an assisted push-up, keep your knees bent. You can also pull your feet up and back toward your hamstrings to make it a little more challenging.
- Bend at your elbows to lower your chest down towards the vibration plate. Stop when your elbows reach a 90-degree angle.
- Return to the starting position.
- Perform as may repetitions as you can.
Push-ups are another great exercise that you can perform in between sets of other exercises, like planks or crunches.
2 Back Exercises
1. Bent Over Rows
A compound exercise that works your entire upper back as well as your forearms and biceps. To perform this exercise, you will need straps or resistance bands.
- Start by standing in front of the vibration plate.
- Holding the straps or bands in both hands, hinge at your hips to bend forward slightly.
- Pull your arm up and straight back, bending your elbows as you pull. Keep your arms pressed towards your sides.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repeat for 10 repetitions. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions.
2. Seated Rows with Fitness Ball
This exercise is similar to bent over rows, but it’s performed in a seated position instead of a standing position. To perform this exercise, you will need a fitness ball and straps or resistance bands.
- Sit down on the fitness ball in front of the vibration plate with your feet flat on the floor.
- Hold the straps or resistance bands with your palms facing upward.
- Pull your arms back slowly, moving your shoulder blades together. Keep your shoulders down away from your ears.
- Return to the starting position.
- Complete three sets of 10 repetitions.
Final Thoughts
Vibration plate exercises can help you lose weight and gain muscle strength from the comfort of home. When plate exercise is combined with a healthy diet and aerobic exercise, vibration plates can help accelerate your results.